Lobbypms News

LobbyPMS comienza integración con Airbnb

LobbyPMS begins integration with Airbnb

At LobbyPMS , the software for small and medium-sized accommodations of all kinds , we announce excellent news for all our clients in Latin America: We have signed our...

Google Hotel Ads Cómo funcionan los Enlaces de reserva gratuitos de Google

Google Hotel Ads: How Google Free Booking Links Work

In 2020, Google surprised the entire hotel industry when it announced that it would make available to all hotels around the world the option to appear for free in...

Guía rápida Facturación Electrónica para Hoteles en Colombia

Quick Guide: Electronic Invoicing for Hotels in Colombia

As of 2020, the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN) requires all companies in Colombia to generate invoices under the electronic invoicing system with prior validation(www.factura-electronica.dian.gov.co). At...

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