Booking engine

Receive direct bookings and increase your profitability

With our booking engine, maximize your hotel, hostel or cabin revenue by driving direct online bookings from your website, Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp. All without paying commissions.

Recibe reservas directas y aumenta tu rentabilidad
Reservas sin comisiones, de forma intuitiva y rápida

Commission-free, intuitive and fast reservations

Facilitates direct bookings with an intuitive interface that works in just 3 steps:

  1. Selection of dates and rooms: Your customers will be able to see availability in real time.
  2. Addition of extra services: Offers upsells such as breakfast, massages or activities.
  3. Confirmation and payment: Secure and fast payments to guarantee each reservation.

Lobby automatically synchronizes each booking with your accommodation calendar, optimizing the management of your operations.

Motivate your customers to book directly

Increase your direct bookings by offering promotions and special plans designed for your needs. Lobby allows you to:

  • Create specific discounts for key dates.
  • Generate coupons for frequent customers or promotional campaigns.
  • Configure multiple pricing plans adapted to your sales strategies.
Motiva a tus clientes a reservar directamente

More payment options for your guests

Connect the payment gateways of your choice so that every reservation is guaranteed from the first moment. Lobby is compatible with multiple options, such as:

  • ePayco, PayU, Wompi, MercadoPago, PayPal, Bold, PlacetoPay.
  • PayPal, Stripe, Lyra.

Offer a secure and reliable payment experience tailored to your customers’ needs.

A booking engine that reflects your identity

Customize the design of the booking engine to be fully aligned with your brand. Lobby allows you to:

  • Add your logo and pictures of rooms.
  • Choose colors for the header, buttons and titles that reflect the personality of your business.
  • Deliver a seamless experience across multiple devices, languages and currencies, ensuring that every customer feels at home.
Un motor de reservas que refleja tu identidad

Discover LobbyPMS and transform the management of your business

Try Lobby for free for 15 days and experience the hotel software that will simplify the management of your hotel from day one.

Request a personalized demo and discover how Lobby can transform the management of your accommodation. Talk to our experts and learn the tools that will make your business grow.

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